Saturday Nov 26, 2016
Send Them Back
Saturday Nov 26, 2016
Saturday Nov 26, 2016
Saturday Nov 12, 2016
Many Happy Returns
Saturday Nov 12, 2016
Saturday Nov 12, 2016
Welcome along dearest listener (you are the dearest one to us, don't let on to the others though - they are very needy people).
The responsibility enforced hiatus is half over! That's right, while Simon is still coming to terms with the fact he can no longer spend his weekends and week day nights splayed on the sofa watching Challenge TV, William is available and has stepped up to the plate and then deposited something on the plate*
Simon may be back for the next one, depending on how time consuming parenthood is. We can report that he pleasantly surprised to learn that he still has time to edit a podcast and write this introduction to it. Quick tip for other new parents, cupboards are excellent, money saving alternatives to child minders.
So make love, one and all!
* The plate in this metaphor is 10radio and the item deposited on it is a radio show, latterly turned into this podcast.
Friday Oct 28, 2016
The Sudan Special
Friday Oct 28, 2016
Friday Oct 28, 2016
Saturday Oct 15, 2016
Dad, Thanks For Picking Up Will's Coat From Isle Brewers
Saturday Oct 15, 2016
Saturday Oct 15, 2016
And may the Lord be your salvation. Also, here's the very first Sorry Not in Service podcast of November 2016, not only that but it's got a special guest host, not only that but it's a Carnivorrrr special!
That's right, it just keeps getting better and better. You are well within your rights to be salivating as much as you are. Best get listening before you get forcibly removed from the internet computer booths at the library.
To hear the version of the show with all of the Carnivorrrrr songs on it, go to mixcloud.com. To buy your physical or imaginary copy of Carnivorrrr's second album go to carnivorrrr.bandcamp.com. To receive your OBE for services to sultanas, go to carnivorrrr.bandcamp.com
Saturday Oct 01, 2016
There'll Always Be Moira Stuart
Saturday Oct 01, 2016
Saturday Oct 01, 2016
Welcome to the podcast that The Times of London has described as ‘a seminal piece of work, a bit like the Jesus story crossed with something else that is really cool - a must listen. xxx’
Moreover, the Queen is now confirmed as a subscriber and if hearsay is to be believed, HearSay are also keen. Lead singer Clive Dugdale was recently seen falling out of a popular Folkestone nightspot whilst listening to said podcast. So it really is very good.
In this one, we get our debate on again and receive e-mails sent from an iPhone! We also learn about self control, Will’s latest attempts to get fired from Sainsbury’s and have a grape thrown at a mouth.
If you’d like to hear the version that has the pop music on it, go to mixcloud.com. To book you place on the ‘How to Be As Attractive as Prunella Scales’ seminar, go to sorrynotinservice.com.
Sunday Sep 18, 2016
Birds or Bridges (Gifts or Psychic Attacks)
Sunday Sep 18, 2016
Sunday Sep 18, 2016
Welcome to the all new rebranded Sorry Not in Service! From here on in we are going to be your all time favourite Missy Elliott themed podcast, providing you with all the latest news and stats regarding the hit rapstress. As a special bonus to you, here’s a stat for free:
Missy Elliott is NOT Elliott Smith’s niece.
Pop that in your scrap book and smoke it.
A few other things to pop in your scrap book (before or after the inferno) is our brand new feature Birds or Bridges, and all the other new stuff in our super special rebranded show (e.g. the new theme tune).
For your chance to win death bed redemption, go to sorrynotinservice.com
Saturday Sep 03, 2016
Painting the Fourth Wall
Saturday Sep 03, 2016
Saturday Sep 03, 2016
A short play about the NHS:
Patient: Doctor doctor! I feel like a microwave!
Doctor: Oh for FFS sake! Stop wasting my time with these absurd complaints. I’m sick of it. I genuinely had someone in earlier telling me they felt like a pair of curtains. It took all my inner strength not to stab them in the eyes with this scalpel. Get out!
Patient leaves through window
Doctor presses intercom
Doctor: Miriam, can you cancel the rest of my appointments please and get me a brandy, doc’s got one of his migraines coming. Oh, and while you’re in the secret cupboard, could you fetch me the latest Sorry Not in Service podcast please? I need to feel better about myself. Thanks Miriam.
If you’d like to feel less like a washed up old bag of post-it notes and more like the good doctor above (or indeed her very attractive assistant Miriam) then you've done the right thing by downloading this podcast, to listen to the version with the pop music on then go here. To print off your very own hang gliding proficiency certificate, then go to sorrynotinservice.com.
Saturday Aug 20, 2016
Crazy Masks and Jaunty Tunes
Saturday Aug 20, 2016
Saturday Aug 20, 2016
48 year old male with GSOB (good sense of Beef) would like to meet an person for fishing trips, religious awakenings, car park scuffles, bad ideas for wet weekends and maybe more/less.
Also, a real deal breaker for me would be an interest in the latest Sorry Not in Service podcast. Must be keen on birthday presents for others, throwaway and potentially regrettable mentions of atrocities, mossy bottoms and misc content.
If interested in meeting me, go to iTunes or sorrynotinservice.podbean.com. If after our first date you fancy seeing more of me then go to mixcloud.com. If you’re REALLY in to me, and would like to see me with my kit off, fully exposed and ready for action, go to sorrynotinservice.com.
Saturday Aug 06, 2016
Playing Around With the Form
Saturday Aug 06, 2016
Saturday Aug 06, 2016
Person A: Please may I have a bar of Snickers please?
Person B: Certainly
Person A: How much is it?
Person B: 60p
Person A: That seems a little steep
Person B: It is what it is, if you want them cheaper then you're probably better served going to a large supermarket chain who have the buying power to bring in stock for a much cheaper rate and pass that on to the customer. Sure, it's less money but all you're really doing is lining the pockets of big business and somewhere along the way, someone will be feeling the pinch. Buy it here and you're boosting the local economy. The admittedly higher mark up in my shop will be reinvested in the community in one way or another be it the staff I employ or the local man who cleans my windows.
Person A: Makes sense, I'll do my best. Trouble is, I don't have 60p. All I have is 34p and this Sorry Not in Service podcast.
Person B: I'll take the podcast and you can have as many Snickers as you want. That podcast is flipping ace. It's got What's Tom Up To Tom on it from off of the smash podcast PodCage.
Person A: Seems like a fair deal, I've also got the version with the pop music on it from mixcloud.com
Person B: You can have my daughter as well if you give me that.
Person C: Sorry, couldn't help overhearing. Why do you keep the Snickers behind the counter?
Saturday Jul 23, 2016
Saturday Jul 23, 2016
Saturday Jul 23, 2016
Welcome along you jerk. You feckless idiot, you bum note, you dreadful nectarine. Look at you, you’re a disgrace and I never want to see you again.
Only joking! You’re great and can I have a pint of lemonade please?
Tell you what, I’ll swap you a pint of lemonade for the latest Sorry Not in Service podcast. It’s the height of summer so the hosts are in a dreadful state and wearing down the exclamation mark that sits atop the self destruct button. That said, there’s crowd pleasers such as football, pink hotels and sitting in disused boats so it’s not all bad.
If you’d like to hear the version with all pop music and that, go to mixcloud.com. If you’d like to sleep with hedgehogs in a biblical sense, go to sorrynotinservice.com